Medivac ND-IB Variant - Gumboro EmulsionMedion Farma Jaya
SKU : mnig-v

Medivac ND-IB Variant - Gumboro Emulsion

Brand : Medion Farma Jaya

Inactivated emulsion vaccine against Newcastle disease (ND), infectious bronchitis (IB) and infectious bursal disease (IBD)/ Gumboro disease in poultry.


Medivac ND-IB Variant-Gumboro Emulsion contains Newcastle disease (ND) virus of La Sota strain, infectious bronchitis (IB) virus of Massachusetts 41, M01 and M02 strain and infectious bursal disease (IBD)/ Gumboro disease virus of Winterfield 2512 strain. The inactivated viruses are emulsified in mineral oil adjuvant to enhance and prolong the efficacy of the vaccine.


  • Medivac AI H5N1 & H9N2 Subtype is indicated for prevention against avian influenza (AI) in broilers, native chickens, layers and breeders
  • Medivac ND-IB Variant-Gumboro Emulsion is indicated for maternal antibody enhancement and uniformity in chicks hatched from vaccinated breeders


  • Inject ND-IB Variant-Gumboro Emulsion is indicated for protection against ND, IB and IBD/Gumboro disease in broilers, native chicken, layers and breeders
  • Medivac ND-IB Variant-Gumboro Emulsion is indicated for maternal antibody enhancement and uniformity in chicks hatched from vaccinated breeders


100, 250 and 500 ml

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