Medivac ND G7-EDS EmulsionMedion Farma Jaya
SKU : mne-g7

Medivac ND G7-EDS Emulsion

Brand : Medion Farma Jaya

Inactivated emulsion vaccine against Newcastle disease (ND) and egg drop syndrome 1976 (EDS ’76) in poultry.


Medivac ND G7-EDS Emulsion contains Newcastle disease (ND) virus of MD15 strain genotype VII and Adenovirus 127 of McFerran strain. The inactivated viruses are emulsified in mineral oil adjuvant to enhance and prolong the efficacy of the vaccine


Medivac ND G7-EDS Emulsion is indicated for prevention against ND and EDS ’76 in layers and breeders


  • Inject Medivac ND G7-EDS Emulsion to each chicken intramuscularly (through muscle) on thigh/ breast or subcutaneously (under the skin) at lower back of the neck
  • Before Medivac ND G7-EDS Emulsion vaccination, chickens should already been vaccinated using live ND vaccine to achieve excellent immunity against ND
  • The dosage is 0.5 ml per chicken


250 and 500 ml


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