Medivac Coryza T SuspensionMedion Farma Jaya
SKU : mcts

Medivac Coryza T Suspension

Brand : Medion Farma Jaya

Inactivated suspension vaccine against infectious coryza in poultry


Inactivated suspension vaccine contains inactivated Avibacterium paragallinarum of W, Spross and Modesto strain against Infectious Coryza in poultry. The bacteria are adsorbed in aluminium hydroxide adjuvant to prolong and enhance the vaccine efficacy.


Medivac Coryza T Suspension is indicated for protection against infectious coryza in broilers, roosters, layers, and breeders. It provides early antibody protection.


  • Inject Medivac Coryza T Suspension to each chicken intramuscularly (through muscle) on thigh or breast, or subcutaneously (under the skin) at the lower back of the neck
  • The dosage is 0.2 ml per young chicken or 0.5 ml per adult chicken


This program may be used as a general guide. It may be modified to suit certain conditions Medivac Coryza T Suspension is recommended for broilers and roosters at 1 – 2 weeks of age

For layers and breeders, Medivac Coryza T Suspension is recommended 6 – 8 weeks of age and should be revaccinated 4 – 6 weeks later (or at 16 – 18 weeks of age) if the farm is located in a coryza epidemic area


50, 100, 250 and 500 ml

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