Medivac Coryza TMedion Farma Jaya
SKU : mct

Medivac Coryza T

Brand : Medion Farma Jaya

Inactivated emulsion vaccine against infectious coryza in poultry.


Medivac Coryza T contains inactivated Avibacterium paragallinarum of W, Spross and Modesto strain. The bacteria are emulsified in mineral oil adjuvant to prolong and enhance the vaccine efficacy.


Medivac Coryza T is indicated for protection against infectious coryza in broilers, roosters, layers and breeders. It provide high immunity and longer protection.


  • Inject Medivac Coryza T to each chicken subcutaneously (under the skin) at the lower back of the neck
  • The dosage is 0.5 ml per chicken

Subcutaneous injection method:

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