Medivac Gumboro AMedion Farma Jaya
SKU : mga

Medivac Gumboro A

Brand : Medion Farma Jaya

Freeze-dried live vaccine against infectious bursal disease (IBD)/ Gumboro disease in poultry.


Freeze dried live vaccine contains intermediate plus Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD)/ Gumboro virus of Cheville 1/68 strain against IBD/Gumboro in poultry. The virus is produced in SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) eggs to ensure that the vaccine is free from any pathogenic microorganisms. 


Medivac Gumboro A is indicated for protection against IBD/ Gumboro disease in broilers, roosters, layers, and breeders. Medivac Gumboro A may be given to 7-day-old chicks with a high maternal antibody level. Recommended for cases at < 21 days of age or mortality > 5%.


Medivac Gumboro A of 1 dose per chicken may be administered through oral drop or drinking water. Chicken at the age of one week or older may be vaccinated through drinking water. To achieve optimum antibody level, administer via oral drop.


100, 200, 500 and 1,000 doses

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